Smart, Real-Time Risk Management
At a time where infrastructure and services resilience and durability are key elements to the industry sector, production site managers are searching for new methods and tools to tackle their challenges and achieve their objectives. That’s where being able to identify, manage and react from encountered risks such as fires or intrusions quickly and efficiently is essential. In this context, Michelin called in Siradel, to assist them in their risk management strategy with the development of an advanced real-time vulnerability indicator.
Bringing our unique approach and dedicated solutions for risk assessment and management, we first modelled Michelin’s manufacturing site in its environment to identify its specific risks and challenges.
We then realized an audit and analysis of the existing risk management measures and worked on the identification of every possible scenario leading to a fire or a data/material thief.
Then, we produced a real-time vulnerability indicator to provide Michelin with a reliable analysis tool and adapted support in optimizing its risk management and resilience policy.
Based on Asphales solution developed by Siradel, this project allowed the development of a unique integrated risk management solution enabling real-time monitoring for better reactivity and performance.
Providing one single, highly detailed data referential, it led to the implementation of a smarter, operational risk management follow up, resulting in significant cost savings and increased safety.