Ile-de-France Smart Services Platform

Environment, education, economy, energy, mobility… with a list of cities challenges constantly growing, more and more collaborative initiatives come to life with the objective to bring efficient and sustainable solutions to it. The Ile-de-France Smart Services platform is one outstanding example of such initiatives. Unique by its ambition, scope and collaborative approach, the project, bringing together all the actors in the Paris’s Region, aims at providing a unique digital platform for the co-construction of innovative services, « developed by and for the public », in order to improve the Region’s residents qualify of life.

Ile-de -France Paris Region


As part of this project, we put our combined expertise in data exploitation, software platform development and web integration at the service of the creation of concrete, relevant use cases and services.

Relying on the data provided by the Paris’s Region and our solutions’ interoperability, we first produced the Digital Twin of the entire Paris’s Region (1,276 boroughs, 12 million inhabitants, 12,000km²), aggregating a large amount of geo referenced and qualified data (transport, population, infrastructures, services, etc), in a single referential, accessible to all.

We then created an advanced 3D platform, interfacing multiple functional and technical components and delivering a comprehensive vision of the territory, to provide services to the public in a large variety of fields including environment, energy, employment and many other in order to meet the territory’s challenges and users’ needs.

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Based on the comprehensive Digital Twin of the Region, provided by Siradel, the Ile-de-France Smart Services platform serves as the core platform for the aggregation, visualization, exploitation, enrichement and sharing of the territory’s data.

Conceived as a unique collaborative tool, the platform allows every contributor, including local authorities, economic players and citizens, to take part in the development of its territory through the co-construction of innovative, customized services.

Discover how our mission applies to various sectors

cities and region


cities and region filigram



Industry 4.0

industry filigram


energy filigram