As true data concentrators and decision-making support solutions, Digital Twins are valuable tools as part of the driving of development projects. Digital Twins applications, already numerous, are now extending to new markets and new usages. While we no longer present their interest in industries or communities, Digital Twins also address the main challenges of the telecom market and its players, both operators and equipment providers.
Let’s see how Digital Twins enable the design of ever more efficient networks to address today’s uses and enable tomorrow’s ones.
From a digital replica to planning, on the road to network optimization
Offering an accurate mapping of a wireless network, Digital Twins are precious for gathering all the business and operational data required to better manage assets, services and applications. Combined with predictive simulation capacities, they not only allow a vision of its current characteristics, but they also allow to run various algorithms, including AI, to anticipate and better plan its future evolution in order to achieve quality, cost-efficiency or accessibility objectives. Tomorrow, they should also provide real-time (or near real-time) synchronization between a physical entity and its digital representation.
What information do Telecom Digital Twins give us?
A true replica of the network: Aggregating all the data that compose it, and allowing their visualization within a 3D environment, Digital Twins offer the stakeholder an accurate and up-to-date view of its infrastructures network, services and assets. Therefore, he/she benefits from in-depth and reliable knowledge of his network at a glance, which allows to break silos and share information, including data on active / non-active cells, predictive maintenance, live coverage / quality of service maps and KPIs, risk management, need identification, etc. to facilitate business-oriented decision-making process and meet users’ needs.
What is the network performance at different scales: area, site, cell?
Where are the indoor 5G coverage weaknesses located?
Where are the hotspot areas that suffer from capacity issue?

A valuable analysis tool: In addition to this first analysis of the network, Telecom Digital Twins also make it possible to collect live and historical data. Collecting a certain amount of information on its evolution to date, the stakeholder can then create and analyze (meta) indicators for a better understanding and monitoring of the network performance as well as of its risks and business opportunities.
How has the 5G service coverage of my network evolved over the last few months?
What is the current daily vs. the past traffic?
What are the opportunities for energy consumption reduction or curtailment?
Network planning and optimization: Leveraging simulation and AI capacities, Telecom Digital Twins also enable the prediction of the network’s evolution and the anticipation of their impact on a certain number of indicators.
What would be the impact of a network swap on network coverage?
What would be the impact on coverage and quality of service if I densify my network? What are the expected costs and ROI?
How should I optimize the tilt/power of my cells to mitigate the interference in hotspot areas?
Having all the necessary information, crossing past, present and future data, all stakeholders are then able to make informed decisions to optimize network performance, improve service quality and delivery, reduce OPEX, drive communications, and develop new offer and business opportunities.

What concrete applications? Let’s discover some of them (among many others)
Examples of applications and benefits of using a Telecom Digital Twin for radio planning are numerous. We invite you to explore two of them.
For a better quality of service: Quality of service is a key indicator for any telecom operator to assess the service provided and user satisfaction. Thus, having a tool that allows to audit their network and project themselves through the collection and utilization of on-field and crowdsourced data combined with simulation is precious for identifying gaps and the actions to be taken to enable all users to access their services in the best possible conditions, anywhere, at any time.
For reduced energy consumption: Managing our energy consumption is essential for both economic and environmental reasons. Every market has a role to play in this collective sustainability effort. This is how Telecom Digital Twins come into play by making it possible to identify and implement optimization rules through the analysis and cross-referencing of live data on cells and simulation. By measuring current and past energy consumption of infrastructures and simulating the impact of new strategies (small cell densification, advanced sleep modes, curtailment) on their future consumption, it makes it possible to develop energy-and-cost-efficient networks, more respectful of the environment. (A special article on this topic is coming soon!)
SIRADEL’s Telecom Digital Twin solution, specially designed to meet your needs

Specialist in mobile network design, 3D simulation and Digital Twins, we combine our expertise to offer a Telecom Digital Twin solution adapted to the needs of the telecom market and the evolution of our uses in an increasingly connected world, which allows to:
Guarantee your network performance at national scale: By providing all stakeholders daily reports assessing and monitoring performance KPIs to make relevant decisions in accordance with the (cost) objectives set
Enhance user experience and satisfaction: By presenting the information in an interactive, intuitive way helping operational teams to support customers effectively, therefore improving their satisfaction and usage
Develop brand promotion and new business opportunities: By displaying network assets in an innovative and immersive way, through the use of 3D, allowing to cross, analyze and share data of multiple sources to design optimized offers
With solutions such as, BLOONET, we support operators in the design and optimization of their networks that will pave the way for the services, technologies and communications of tomorrow.
Join us at Mobile World Congress next week to learn more about our solutions based on the Telecom Digital Twin for enhanced connectivity.